Livewell Jaunt Plus Mobility Scooter: Review

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Blue livewell Jaunt Plus Mobility Scooter

The Livewell Jaunt Plus Mobility Scooter: Review

The Livewell Jaunt Plus Mobility Scooter Hot Or Not? Full Review

Hey everyone! Isabella here, back again to talk about the Livewell Jaunt Plus Mobility Scooter

Remember how my whole mission started with finding the perfect scooter for my parents?

Well, my Dad was the ultimate inspiration for digging into the details of the Jaunt Plus model.

We had this little scoot on loan for a week, and I gotta say, it's definitely got its perks.

Let me break down the whole experience, from the "Ooh, what's this?" moment to Dad giving it his gruff seal of approval.

You only have to look at all the 4.6 Star Reviews on Amazon. and the 4.6 Star Reviews On Trust Pilot to see what a great scooter this is

Ratings Chart

My First Impressions

My Dad hovered with a mix of excitement and that classic "is this really necessary?" scowl.

Inside the box, everything was neatly packed and surprisingly lightweight. We had the main scooter body, the seat, the battery box, a few smaller bits. No giant intimidating manuals, which was a huge relief.

The seat slotted into place with a satisfying click and the battery was as easy as plugging in a big kettle. We did have a few minutes of head-scratching figuring out the tiller (the steering column), but those diagrams in the quick-start guide were pretty clear.

Now put together, it does look small. Dad was already eyeing it up like "will I actually fit on this?"

The scooter moved smoothly, even with Dad being a bit overly cautious at first. We kept it to the living room, a few tight turns around the coffee table, and backing it up went better than expected.

A Trip to the Shops

Livewell Jaunt Pluss Read To Ride

Today was the day for the Livewell Jaunt Plus's first big outing: a trip to the shops! I'll admit, I was a bit nervous about how it would handle the real world, especially with Dad at the helm.

But here's what went down:

The Jaunt Plus folded down surprisingly easily, and Dad even managed to lift it into my car – major win for independence!

Worried about bumpy pavements? Not anymore! The suspension handled them well, and Dad tackled a few curbs with ease.

I was prepared for aisle-blocking chaos, but this little scooter turns on a dime.

Dad navigated those tight spaces (and even snuck down the biscuit aisle).

That tiny basket held everything he bought! Plus, he unfolded the scooter at the car in seconds, loaded up his groceries, and looked positively smug about the whole process.

The Verdict: Dad's smile said it all. The Jaunt Plus made the dreaded shop trip easier AND brought back a bit of his "can-do" attitude.

That's a win-win in my book

The Livewell Jaunt Plus: What Makes It Special

  • The Champ of Portability: This scooter means business when it comes to breaking down into smaller pieces. If you frequently need to pop it in the car boot, the Livewell Jaunt Plus shines. It's a lifesaver for outings, holidays, anything where car transportation is involved.

  • Upgraded Power: The perk here is the boosted 20-amp battery that stretches your range to around 13 miles. That's an upgrade compared to the standard Jaunt model.

  • Comfy on the Go: The Jaunt Plus surprises with front AND rear suspension for smoothing out those bumpy pavements. Let's face it, every little bit of comfort counts!

Before You Buy: Honest Things to Consider

  • Space Matters: This scooter is compact, which is great for portability but might feel a touch tight for some folks – less legroom, a less spacious seat.

  • Range is Still Limited: Those 13 miles are decent, especially for the price point but won't suit everyone. If you've got a thirst for long, adventurous journeys, consider other options or a second battery.

  • Assembly Can Be Tricky: While they try to make it easy, some disassembly is still needed. Think honestly about your strength and dexterity – any limitations there might make it a little frustrating,

More Adventures with the Livewell Jaunt Plus.

Livewell Jaunt Plus Showing Price

This scooter is a winner if you need something to help you stay independent while staying on budget and fitting it into your lifestyle.

It won Dad back some of his freedom without breaking the bank!

It's your reliable errand buddy, perfect for buzzing around town.

But if you need major space, all-day riding power, or have difficulty with dexterity, it might be worth exploring other models.

Isabella's "Must-Know" Tips for Choosing ANY Scooter:

Don't Fake It: Think carefully about the distances you'll usually cover and the types of terrain you'll encounter (hilly, bumpy, smooth?).

The Truth about Weight: Don't be fooled by just the total weight.

Can you manage lifting the heaviest piece after it's disassembled?

Test Before You Invest: If there's any possible way to try out a scooter before you buy, DO IT. It's worth the effort to ensure it's truly the right fit.

Product Specifications


Overall Scooter Width: 22 inches (56 cm)

Total Scooter Height: 35 inches (89 cm)

Seat Depth (Front to Back): 16.5 inches (42 cm)

Seat Width (Side to Side): 18 inches (46 cm)

Height from Ground to Scooter Base: 1.6 inches (4 cm)


Front Tire Diameter: 6 inches (15 cm)

Rear Tire Diameter: 7 inches (18 cm)


Maximum User Weight Limit: 21 stone (136 kg)

Total Product Weight: 126 lbs (57 kg)

Heaviest Disassembled Piece: 35 lbs (15.9 kg)


Battery Capacity: Dual 20AH batteries

Individual Battery Weight: 22 lbs (10 kg)

Full Charging Time: Approximately 8-10 hours

Maximum Range on Full Charge: 13 miles (21 km)

Top Speed: 4 mph

Motor Power: 220 watts

Minimum Turning Radius: 55 inches (140 cm)

Video Review Curtsey Of

My Conclusion.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4.8 Star Rating

The Livewell Jaunt Plus Mobility Scooter might just be the missing piece in your freedom puzzle.

If getting out and about, running errands, and keeping your independent spirit are vital, this little scooter packs a surprising punch.

It folds away for easy transport, gives you a comfortable ride over less-than-perfect pavements, and won't drain your bank account.

Sure, it won't tackle marathon distances or suit someone needing a lot of extra space, but for many, it hits the sweet spot between capability and convenience.

If that sounds like what you're searching for, the Jaunt Plus definitely deserves a closer look

If you're looking for an affordable well made ultra-portable, easy-to-use scooter to keep you on the move, the Jaunt Plus is a fantastic option.

Livewell Jaunt Plus Mobility Scooter


Livewell Jaunt Pluss mobility scooter discount deal price

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4.6 Star Rating

Livewell Jaunt Plus Mobility Scooter


Livewell Jaunt Pluss mobility scooter discount deal price

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4.6 Star Rating